
When God called Abraham, He promised to bless him and his family and all the families of the world. Now in Christ, God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings for living and for giving. Blessing is uncontainable. It will flow into and through our lives.

There are two important bodies of water in Israel: the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee, also known as the Sea of Tiberias, receives water from Mt. Hermon up north and releases it downstream via Jordan River. This lake is teeming with life and provides livelihood to the people in the coastal areas. It lives, it breathes and it grows. Why? Because it gives. On the other hand, the Dead Sea is the catch basin of all the water coming from the north. Its salinity is denser than any body of water in the world that makes it not a suitable habitat for any living thing. It is dead simply because it receives and just keep on receiving without ever giving. Dead Sea is a reservoir, while the Sea of Galilee is a conduit.

Many Christians are not living their lives to the fullest because they are like the Dead Sea – they receive, they are fed, they are ministered to and hoard the blessings to themselves. In the process, they become lifeless, fed up and bored. But there is a better way and that is being like the Sea of Galilee that selflessly gives of itself, feeding others and ministering to other people. The more they give the more they receive. The more they share life the more they become alive. God is calling us not to be a reservoir but a channel of life and love. We are blessed to bless. 

Blessed to B.L.E.S.S. is a Conquest material produced by CROSSWorld Church [Pastora Citas Termulo] designed to move pew Christians to become productive disciples and to unleash disciples to become fruitful disciple makers.