5-10 Minutes
10-15 Minutes
20-25 Minutes
If you will write your biography, what would be the first line? How would you introduce yourself? (Let them think for a while, give them time to write also. After 3-5 minutes, let them share their thoughts).
Today, we will learn how to write our life's story so we can share it to others. The objective when we write our stories is not for us to be famous but to make Jesus famous! Let us learn one great story in the Bible.
Read the text: Acts 9:1-22
- Who was the main character in the story?
- What was the plot of his story?
- So, before Paul became Paul, he was "Saul", the destroyer, persecutor of Christians. What change him? (His encounter with Jesus)
- Encountering the Lord for others are dramatic, for some it could be surprising, for others, no spectacular happenings, yet the effects are truly amazing! Thus, the great encounter with Jesus is when you receive Him as your Lord and Savior, when all your sins have been forgiven and you were set free from all bondages. Like Paul, in Damascus, he encountered Jesus.
- What changes occurred in the life of Paul as a result of his encounter with Jesus?
- Life change is the major evidence of our true encounter with God. Anyone who would like to share some traits, thoughts, habits that have been changed since Jesus became your Lord and Savior?
Ministry Time:
Saul an enemy of God became Paul, a friend of God. It all happened when Jesus appeared to Saul in a very personal way. Today, we see and read Paul's stories about God's grace and mercy. He was blessed with God's unconditional love that is why he became unstoppable in sharing such wondrous story.
Would you want to be like Paul, blessed to bless others by sharing your story of Life Change? (Give time to commit their lives to Jesus. Renew their commitment to life change).
15-20 Minutes
You also have a story to share! Let us try to write it with this outline: (A) My Life Without Jesus (B) How did I meet Him (C) My Life Now With Jesus. Distribute yellow paper.
Play a soft music while they write.
After 5-10 minutes of writing, start sharing their life story one by one by reading their work. (Just read through it, no explanations in between).
Plan a day where we can share our story to a friend as we complete the word, B.L.E.S.S. with the last S, Share your story.
Even we're done with our Life Group Series, Blessed to B.L.E.S.S, we are encouraged to keep on joining our life group weekly.
Also, look at the possibility where you can open a new life group using the series, Blessed to B.L.E.S.S. and raise up new LG Leaders! Blessing others is contagious
Take time to pray and plan on this, Life Group multiplication.
5-10 Minutes