5-10 Minutes
Divide the group into two groups and ask them to describe their personal qualities as a friend by using the acronym, F.R.I.E.N.D.
Allot 3-5 minutes to do the activity. Have a moment to share their work to the big group.
Sing the song together, "You've Got A Friend"
Allot 3-5 minutes to do the activity. Have a moment to share their work to the big group.
Sing the song together, "You've Got A Friend"
10-15 Minutes
Proverbs 17:17 says,
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
Jesus is our great friend, who loves us at all times. And He too is our brother who is able to fight for us. Ohh, what a friend we have in Jesus! Can we sing that song?
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
Jesus is our great friend, who loves us at all times. And He too is our brother who is able to fight for us. Ohh, what a friend we have in Jesus! Can we sing that song?
20-25 Minutes
Ruth 1:16-17
Open Sharing:
Ministry Time:
Praise God for we have a friend in Jesus. He is our true friend, who will never leave us nor forsake us. More than any friend, make Jesus your true friend, your Savior and Lord! (Give opportunity for prayer of acceptance).
Ruth 1:16-17
Open Sharing:
- Anyone who can share who is your treasured friend? And what makes you treasure him or her? God is so gracious that He creates friends or friendship to celebrate life. "God did not make us to be alone. To that end, He designed relationships—not just of the marital and familial kind, but friendships as well. Friendships fill the gaps in our lives, providing us with a wide variety of support, love, and entertainment. Not only that, but God has left us written testaments to the power of friendship, and of what it looks like at its best, so that we can know how to go about being a friend."
-Wesley Braines
Read the text: Ruth 1:16-17 - Narrate the story of Naomi and Ruth: Naomi and her daughter-in-law, Ruth, found their friendship in the most unlikely place. How many of us have heard the all- too-common jokes made about in-laws—particularly mother-in-laws? And how many of us have ever found a best friend in our mother-in-law?
Ruth, married to one of Naomi’s sons, did. Years after that son died, along with Naomi’s husband and other son, Naomi encouraged her daughters-in-law to go back to their families in Moab. Orpah, one of Naomi’s daughters-in-law, left, but not Ruth—Ruth stayed, pledging her life to the now-destitute Naomi in Ruth 1:16-17, saying “Don’t urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.”
Ruth refused to let Naomi be completely alone, and went with her when she traveled to Bethlehem, helping her to survive as a lone woman in a patriarchal society, gathering food, and eventually having a son that gave Naomi a sense of family again—a son who would go on to be the grandfather of the most loved King of Israel –David.
Again, this friendship shows us the value of loyalty, unconditional love and self-sacrifice. Ruth didn’t hesitate to give when Naomi was in need. This is the kind of action that creates the strongest of friendships, and gives us a sense of security—we know that when we’re in trouble, someone will be there for us. – Wesley Braines
Loyalty, unconditional love and self-sacrifice are the kind of friendship Naomi and Ruth had. They were true friends beyond being relatives. This gave them security to each other despite the losses and longings. - To whom do you associate yourself with today? Are you a Naomi, a friend in need or you are a Ruth who is a friend in deed? (Give them time to raise their hands and recognize their situation).
- If you are a Naomi, are you willing to receive a friend and welcome help? For a Ruth, are you willing to listen to a friend and help him/her meet his/her needs? (Give them time to express their thoughts). Pray for them.
Ministry Time:
Praise God for we have a friend in Jesus. He is our true friend, who will never leave us nor forsake us. More than any friend, make Jesus your true friend, your Savior and Lord! (Give opportunity for prayer of acceptance).
15-20 Minutes
Praise God, we are now on the second letter of B.L.E.S.S., "L" Listen to a friend!
Let us review the names we have written on our prayer of three:
If there are people present in your LG Meeting today and they are in the Prayer of Three, show them their names, put a heart opposite their names and celebrate! They came!
Pause for a while and ask the group, what could be the practical ways to connect with others on the list this week and intentionally create a moment with them so you could listen to their journey, invite them to our Life Group and worship celebration on Sundays.
Let us review the names we have written on our prayer of three:
If there are people present in your LG Meeting today and they are in the Prayer of Three, show them their names, put a heart opposite their names and celebrate! They came!
Pause for a while and ask the group, what could be the practical ways to connect with others on the list this week and intentionally create a moment with them so you could listen to their journey, invite them to our Life Group and worship celebration on Sundays.
5-10 Minutes
Have a moment to share food, have photos together and encourage one another to continue on with our Life Group Meetings. Use the hashtag #CWBlessedtoBLESS and #ListenToAFriend