
The lesson will enable us to develop responsibility to share the Gospel to others by walking in the authenticity of our faith to God with sincerity of our approach to people.


Disciples are not a select group nor an exclusive group of believers. Disciples are the called ones in faith and obedience to Jesus. First, we are called to intimacy with God in faith, prayer and God's word which we celebrate together in the fellowship of believers. Second, we are called to go and make disciples (see Matthew 28:18-20).

Apostle Paul's response to such calling is one great example. Paul had his radical transformation from his encounter with Jesus in Damascus. From there, Paul walked in followership with Jesus in radical passion proclaiming the Gospel wherever God lead him. In his book among the Colossians, Paul talked about the* Supremacy of Christ and the Authenticity of followership to Him as related with all kinds of relationships: He wants everyone to come to the saving grace of Christ. Let us read our text for today,

Read the text

Colossians 4:2-6

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders: make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."

Open Discussion:

Paul desires that many will come to know Jesus, He is praying for open doors, and He is admonishing the Colossians to take part in witnessing Christ; engaging in evangelism or with our term today, going into 'Conquest. Thus, Paul gave the Colossians instructions as to how we could reach out to others. Let us take a look at the instructions Paul gave:

INSTRUCTION 1: Devote yourselves in PRAYER ( be watchful and thankful) - Verses 2-4
- He encouraged the Colossians to pray for him and all the missionaries with him for an open door to preach the Gospel.
- He asked them to pray for him as he was in chains. That despite his limiting situation, he can still preach the Gospel with power.
*From this thought, who are the people in the church we need to remember in our daily prayers as we go through Conquest; sharing the Gospel; doing evangelism?

INSTRUCTION 2: Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders. - Verses 5-6
- Who are these "outsiders"? Read through other Bible translations.
*In our situation today, who are these people in our life?
- How does Apostle Paul want us to behave among the unbelievers; the people who don't know Jesus yet?


*Make the most of every opportunity (What is the implication of making the most of every opportunity? Indeed, life is short, you will never know when will be the next time you will meet this people, alive? Death is sure. Ask God to create divine appointment for you with the people whom you want to share the Gospel with).
*Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Can you describe people talking full of grace? It's not about talking 'spiritual' words or expressions but with grace simply means you give respect, honor and intentionality to listen to and minister to people. We talk to the people not to debate nor to argue with them but to explain the Gospel in a very gentle way. We do not convert a person when we share the Gospel, we just share and it's the Holy Spirit who convicts and converts.

This completes our calling to share Jesus! And for Paul this is already an act of evangelism!

In summary, the Commission to every single disciple as Paul explained:
  • To devote himself to prayer
  • To walk in wisdom before the outsiders
  • Seize opportunities to share the Gospel (Share some practical suggestions that aside from the one verse evangelism, what other ways can we share the Gospel?)
  • Evangelize with grace and clarity (Review the Gospel message: One Verse; Romans 6:23)
Why we can't do this? Why we can't share Jesus?. Because of the following apprehensions:
  • I don't have the gift of evangelism
  • I'm sort of timid
  • I don't have that kind of personality

But think about this:
Campus Crusade for Christ tells us that every single person has a minimum 75 people that he or she is on regular contact with.

Sharing Jesus or evangelism is not an issue of spiritual gift but of responsibility to our unbelieving neighbors. relatives and fellow workers. They need to hear Jesus. Give them an opportunity to know Jesus.

Application Points

What are your apprehensions in sharing Jesus or doing evangelism among your friends or contacts? Does our lesson today help clear away all your apprehensions? If yes, what will be your resolutions to share Jesus to others?

Provide half sheets of bond paper per person. Ask everyone to write at least ten people whom they will intentionally share the Gospel with and or invite to church within the month. Commit that you will all pray for one another, that God will help you set His appointment for these people. Remember, you will just share Jesus. How people would respond is their response to the Holy Spirit.

Ministry Time

Gather the lists and together pray in faith for their salvation. (after prayer, give back the list and encourage them to pray for open doors within the month)

Pray also for one another to clear their hearts from any apprehensions and that the spirit of courage, faith and obedience will guard their hearts 'til they will be moved to reach out to people.

Get ready to hear everyone's experience of evangelism next meeting.