
The concluding lesson in our series will help us begin to walk in faithfulness and fruitfulness with Jesus. Life is so demanding and when things get difficult, we tend to walk independent from God. Let this lesson open greater breakthroughs for only in abiding with Christ we can be joyfully fulfilled.


What are the needs of a plant to grow and eventually bear fruit? Does the fruit grow by accident? Or it is the result of an intentional effort on the part of a gardener or farmer? Have you tried gardening or currently you are into planting? Share some joys you have in taking care of plants.

Read the text:

John 15:1-11

Open Discussion:
  1. What kind of plant is being described in the text?
  2. Who is the vine? Who is the vinedresser; gardener?
    Who is the branch?
  3. What does the vinedresser or gardener do to care for and provide for the vineyard? (vs.2)
    *How does God care and provide for you lately?
  4. Why is pruning significant for plants to grow?
  5. *Have you ever undergone pruning? In what area of your life that God disciplines you?
  6. What is fruit, being mentioned here? When Jesus talks about bearing much fruit, is he talking about evangelism? What other fruit could he be talking about that is important to see in the life of a disciple?
    Read Galatians 5:22-23
  7. Should we be satisfied with little fruit? Describe the kind of fruit that God wants us to bear?
  8. What is the key to producing fruit in the life of a disciple? (vs.5)
    *What does it look like for someone to abide in Jesus?
  9. Who gets the credit if a garden or field is very fruitful? How can we be sure that God gets the glory for any of "our" fruit? (Remember, the fruit belongs to the vine, not to the branch).
  10. When Jesus says "Apart from me you can do nothing." What is he talking about? What things are impossible to accomplish apart from Jesus?
  11. Aside from bearing fruits, what would be the blessings of abiding in Christ? (See verses 7 and 11)

Application Points

Can someone disregard abiding in Jesus and expect to bear the fruit that He wants us to produce? See Jesus' example in verse 10.

Jesus is the vine, and our ultimate success in life is dependent on our attachment to him, up close and personal. May you devote yourself completely to Jesus.

Ministry Time

What will be our next step as we end the series of lessons, CROSSWalk?
______Will you take the steps necessary to stay connected with the "True Vine"?
______Will you allow God to prune away those things in your life (even good things) that are keeping you from bearing fruit?
______Will you continue to walk with Jesus through the power of His Cross in loving God and loving people?

Have a moment to review the lessons since Lesson 1 to Lesson 6:
  1. Walk Free (Repentance)
  2. Walk on Your Knees (Prayer)
  3. Walk to Life (Word of God)
  4. Walk Along (Fellowship)
  5. Walk Your Talk (Evangelism)
  6. Walk Up Close (Discipleship)
Ask everyone, in what area do they need help the most.

Pray for each other. Commit to continue on walking with Jesus and for Jesus together as life group.