
At the end of the lesson, the participants will able to:

  1. Explain how God loves him and accepts him based on the story of the Prodigal Son.
  2. Respond to the love of God by accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior. 
  3. Resolve to bring love into his family relations through Jesus Christ. 
  4. Identify his contacts who also need to hear about God's love.


10-15 Minutes


  1. Draw an invisible line across the room. Name the right side as "A" and the left side as "B"
  2. Inform the people that you will name two items at a time. The first item corresponds to item A, while the second item corresponds to item B.
  3. Ask the people to line up at side "A" or side " to show which they liked better. (e.g. A Spaghetti or B - Pansit; A - Mountain or B - Beach, A McDo or B - Jollibee, A Ice cream or B - Cake, A - Kapuso o B - Kapamilya, A - iPhone or B - Samsung, A Nature or B -City, A Shopping or B - Watching movies)

Note: Select items suitable for the general type of group (techies vs oldies). Use as many sets of items but make sure that the time is observed.

Each person is unique but we also have things in common that we like. If we will look closer, we will learn to love and accept one another as God loves and accepts us.


10-15 Minutes

Remind everyone about how much God loves and accepts us. Encourage everyone to sing a declaration of worship and thanksgiving to God. (Choose songs from our list at the back.)


20-30 Minutes

Read Luke 15:11-32 > The Prodigal Son

  1. Who are the characters in the story?
  2. If this story will be made into a movie, what would be its title?
  3. The plot of the story:
    • Describe the family. What can you say about their home?
    • Who asked for his inheritance? How would people feel if they saw the father giving his son his inheritance?
    • Describe the happenings in the son's life as he spends his inheritance; after he spent it all.
    • What made him decide to go back to his father?
    • Describe the father's reaction when his son came back. What did the father do as he welcomed his son?
    • How is the love of the Father to his son best described? How was the home different when the son came back?

Personal Application
  1. How do you describe a person living without God's love?
  2. Was there any moment in your life that you left God's love?
  3. What do we need to do to be reconciled in God's love? Based on the story, what

Today, I would like to invite you to be reconciled to God in His love. Receive His forgiveness, restore everything back to you. Are you willing to go back to Him for the rest of your life?

Note: Ask the people to repeat after you. Remember to pray slowly, loudly, and to pause between phrases

      Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that because of my sins I am separated from you. I am sorry for my sins and I ask you to forgive and cleanse me. I thank You that you sent Your Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for my sins.

     Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. I believe that You died on the cross for me. I believe that you have risen from the dead. Now, by faith, I receive your gift of eternal life.

     Thank You for loving and accepting me. Help me to love, serve, and obey You for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.


10-15 Minutes

  1. Welcome guests. Mention their names. Bless them in a quick prayer now.
  2. Plan together how everyone in the group can invite more next meeting. Write the names of the invitees.
  3. Excite them for the next meeting; same place, same time with new people to be added to the group.
  4. Bring them to church on Sunday.
  5. Begin to excite them about the Pre-Encounter Party and the Encounter Weekend. Give them the dates. Have fellowship.
  6. Have simple snacks to serve. Bless the people. Do not go over time.